Who are we

We are fans of emojis and stickers. We use them to communicate, sometimes even more often than words. It is interesting.

We also like order. Therefore, every day we look at popular thematic Telegram chats and groups. We select interesting emojis and stickers, publish them here. In order not to lose them in a rapidly changing world.

How many emojis and stickers do we have

At the moment, 5596 packs of Telegram emojis and 36294 packs of Telegram stickers are placed on our website. There are 1856027 pictures in these packs.

Want some more statistics?

As you know, Telegram emojis and stickers can be static and animated. Today we have 2709 static emojis packs and 23926 static sticker packs, 1608 animated emojis packs and 2035 animated sticker packs, 1003 video emojis packs and 3375 video sticker packs in our database. There are 5320 actual packs of Telegram emojis and 29336 actual packs of Telegram stickers in total.

We mark some packs of emojis & stickers with icon wow!. We especially liked these packs for their artistic value or good sense of humor. This is our subjective rating, do not be offended if your emojis/stickers do not have this badge.


We try to respect copyright. We use images from open sources. Telegram emojis and stickers are created by ordinary users. By posting packs on Telegram, the authors agree to share the images with the whole world. By using Telegram, users accept the condition that their works of authorship published on Telegram can be used by other people.

If you are the author of the images and you think that the emojis or stickers on our site are not legally placed, please contact us. We always try to meet halfway.


We are open to dialogue. Email us at [email protected] or write us in our Telegram chat @chpicsu_chat.

Also welcome to our Telegram channels @chpicsu.